
Ugly Clothing, Beautiful Model by Marv Humes


So, finally I decided to tackle goal listed no. 6 on my 2019 New Year’s resolution list and here I am, writing my first blog for my website. I stumbled across this awesome photoshoot concept through one of my favorite photographers & YouTubers, Jessica Kobessi! She had an ugly clothing photoshoot with model Sydney Harper that ended up looking like a Spring campaign for Prada.

I absolutely loved this idea and thought it would be great for my first blog, but the lingering question of the hour was, “who will I use as my muse?”. I laid my Pinterest cards on the table, and decided that this shoot would be ideal for muse, Amber Lauren Turner — remember the face; look out for the name!

We intended to shoot at the Garden of the Groves, where my honest hope was that the beauty of the lush garden would ‘dumb down’ the unpleasant couture, BUT due to the weather we postponed and opted for the umm. . in the context of the Urban dictionary, — “de la ghetto” International Bazaar.

Both articles of clothes were exclusively and thoughtfully hand picked by Amber. Such a task.

Fast forward to shoot day. Alexa, “play Truth Hurts by Lizzo”, the perfect song to get Amber hyped up. She killed it and even attracted the attention of an unlikely and unwanted drunk onlooker, who apparently after drinking too much mild poison appeared to be Nigel Barker. . in the flesh. . wanting to direct my shoot.

“Drunk men are unmatched.” - Amber Lauren Turner, July 2019 

Hope you all enjoy the portfolio!

MUA: Avia Turner of Artistry Glow | Model: Amber Lauren Turner | Photographer: Marv Lamar