
3 Great Tips for Your Next Photo Session by Marv Humes


Are you super nervous? Hands sweating profusely? Don’t know how to pose and your photoshoot is a week away? While I can’t help with sweaty palms, I sure can assist with you feeling more at ease at your next photo session, with Marv Lamar perhaps?! I’m here to help you awaken the Winnie Harlow within — and, well the Desmondo Bootle in you if you’re a male. Here are 3 tips that can help you with your next photoshoot.

1. Be On Time.

Whatever you do, as far as it depends on you. . . arrive on time. One of the biggest pet peeves of photographers is a late client. Like a dying iPhone, my enthusiasm and charisma for shooting begin to dwindle. Ok, enough about me and my feelings — geesh, I feel like Drake. One tip for being prompt is making sure your beauty and grooming appointments are scheduled at least 4 hours before the photoshoot. This gives you enough leeway to get home at a comfortable time to get dressed. Also, prepping your outfit and accessories the night before can reduce the frantic level on the day of the shoot. You want to arrive at the photoshoot on time, feeling confident and at ease due to you being proactive.

2. Be Confident: Get out of your head!

One of the timeless myths that get repeated at every other photoshoot is, “I’m not photogenic”. Ha! While you may feel awkward with posing at the very beginning of the shoot, you, my friend CAN take great photos. A marvelous suggestion days before the session is to discover your angles. Find those flattering angles that work for you. We all got that one aunty whose signature angle reveals all of her chin, let’s avoid that view at all cost. During the planning stage with clients, I’d create a Pinterest board for them as a guide with potential poses for shoot day. Don’t be shy! Have fun practicing these poses in the mirror or even by taking selfies. 

As a photographer, I love giving directions on the day of the session. In the first few minutes of the shoot, I gauge through communication and observation what poses feel and look natural for you. Posing is one area clients tend to overthink, but that’s perfectly fine; there is no pressure. I’d just encourage you to try to get out of your head. Ironically, a great tip while shooting is to think about something. Perhaps to display that genuine smile of yours you choose to think about candy, a funny post on Holy Pothole, or your significant other — oh, you don’t have one of those? — well, simply put. . . think about something that makes you sincerely happy! These thoughts should produce more favorable results through your body language and your eyes in the photos captured.

3. Be Yourself & Have Fun!

If you don’t remember anything else from this blog, just remember this one thing. . . HAVE FUN! It’s all about that exceptional photography experience. If you love music as much as I do, bring your playlist to the photoshoot for a great time. If you need moral support, bring that one friend that always hypes you up 24/7. Actually, screenshot this blog and tell them you thought about them! When you receive your final images you should be elated in seeing your inner self shine bright through quality images. These are your keepsakes. Just be you.

Now that you’ve got 3 tips for your next photo session, let’s create magic!


Ugly Clothing, Beautiful Model by Marv Humes


So, finally I decided to tackle goal listed no. 6 on my 2019 New Year’s resolution list and here I am, writing my first blog for my website. I stumbled across this awesome photoshoot concept through one of my favorite photographers & YouTubers, Jessica Kobessi! She had an ugly clothing photoshoot with model Sydney Harper that ended up looking like a Spring campaign for Prada.

I absolutely loved this idea and thought it would be great for my first blog, but the lingering question of the hour was, “who will I use as my muse?”. I laid my Pinterest cards on the table, and decided that this shoot would be ideal for muse, Amber Lauren Turner — remember the face; look out for the name!

We intended to shoot at the Garden of the Groves, where my honest hope was that the beauty of the lush garden would ‘dumb down’ the unpleasant couture, BUT due to the weather we postponed and opted for the umm. . in the context of the Urban dictionary, — “de la ghetto” International Bazaar.

Both articles of clothes were exclusively and thoughtfully hand picked by Amber. Such a task.

Fast forward to shoot day. Alexa, “play Truth Hurts by Lizzo”, the perfect song to get Amber hyped up. She killed it and even attracted the attention of an unlikely and unwanted drunk onlooker, who apparently after drinking too much mild poison appeared to be Nigel Barker. . in the flesh. . wanting to direct my shoot.

“Drunk men are unmatched.” - Amber Lauren Turner, July 2019 

Hope you all enjoy the portfolio!

MUA: Avia Turner of Artistry Glow | Model: Amber Lauren Turner | Photographer: Marv Lamar